Environmental effects on public health

 Environmental effects on public health

The environment affects public health in several ways. Sustaining in a healthy environment is necessary for improving the quality of life and to live longer.

The environmental causes of diseases being 15 times higher in developing countries than in developed countries, due to variances in susceptibility to environmental risks and access to health care.

Due to exposure to urban air pollution in growing cities almost 1,800 people losing their lives every dayIt has been estimated by World Health Organization (WHO) that thirteen million deaths annually because of these environmental cause’s and hazards     

Environmental hazards increase the risk of cancer, heart disease, asthma, Parkinson’s disease, nonfatal heart attacks, irregular heartbeats, decreased lung function, and many other illnesses.

These hazards can be physical, such as 

·         Air pollution, toxic chemicals,
·         Poor water quality
·         Food contaminants  
·         Chemical safety                               
·         Diseases caused by microbes

They can be social, such as 
·         Poor housing conditions
·         Urban sprawl
·         Poverty                               
·         Lack of access to health care
·         Infrastructure issues

 They can be environmental factors such as 

·         Climate change 
·         Global warming
·         Ozone layer depletion
·         Natural disasters
·         Global environmental issues

However, huge economic development and population growth result in continuing environmental degradation that we cannot skip. One of the most common causes of the death rate is the lack of fundamental necessities. Climate change is also posing risks to human population health and well-being.



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