Does COVID-19 live in water? Can it transmit through?

 Does COVID-19 live in water? Can it transmit through?

The impact of COVID-19 has been perceived by everyone. The pandemic has changed people’s lives in both enormous and small ways. However, our epidemiologists accomplishing, to detect and diagnose the concern some myths were worrying.

 The risks of infection COVID-19 is higher in crowded and inadequately ventilated places wherever this virus appears to spread by respiratory droplets or aerosols more efficiently 

Genetic element from SARS-CoV-2 has been identified in untreated wastewater. Although it's unclear how long the virus can persist in it. But currently, there is no evidence regarding the survival of the coronavirus in drinking water. The corona virus has not been detected in drinking-water supplies as the Wastewater processing plants eliminate and degrade many viruses by using a variety of chemical and other disinfection processes before it goes into your home. 

Summer creeps closer and closer, people may be wondering if the COVID-19 pandemic will affect the pool season.

The novel coronavirus cannot persevere in a pool that's well maintained which includes frequently examining and balancing the pool's chlorine levels and pH.
And, if you swim in a swimming pool or a pond, you cannot get COVID-19 in that water. But what can happen, if the swimming pool, crowded plus close to other people, someone infected can transmit the virus through infection discharges such as saliva and respiratory droplets.


However, Prevention is better than cure

So taking personal precautionary measures to protect is even more important. The effective ways to prevent and reduce the transmission

                  Swimming in a properly -maintained and chlorinated is safe. It is advisable to stay away from crowded spaces including swimming pools.

                   Maintain social distancing

                  Frequently wash your hands with soap

                  Always clean and sanitize usually touched household surfaces

                  Wear a face mask to help reduce the potential for virus spread

                   Stay home if you feel sick.


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